Bienvenue sur le Réseau des Lumières.
Réseautez vous avec les autres éveillés de votre localité! Ce site vous permet d'entrer en contact avec d'autres éveillés près de chez vous!
Par sécurité, n'utilisez pas de vraies images, vrais noms ou locations exactes.
Cliquez ici pour voir les autre éveillés autour de vous
Welcome to the Réseau des Lumières.
Find other awakened souls in your area! This website allows you to contact the other awakened souls near you.
For safety, do not use real pictures, names or exact locations.
Use as a guest:
You do not need to login or register an account to use Réseau Des Lumières. Users who are not logged in can do almost everything that registererd users can do! However there are a few differences between registered and non-registered users, here are the main differences:
Registered users
- Account is permanent unless you erase it.
- Account can be accessed from any computer with email and password.
Non-Registered users (guests)
- Account will be automatically erased after a few days of inactivity.
- Account can only be accessed from the device on which you have created it.
Tip: You can transform a non-registered account into a registered account by registering an account while using the site with your non-registered account. All of your personal information and pictures will automatically be transfered to the new account. However your conversations and favorites will not be transfered!